drummer, composer, sound designer
I recorded Taiwo Lijadu singing some new vocal sections on a classic track by the Lijadu Sisters. This was the first time Taiwo had ever recorded music without her sister Kehinde who departed this earthly plane in late 2019. We had a beautiful day, her voice sounded amazing and the energy was just right.
I created the music for the documentary short ( Let Noor Run ) It premiered on ESPN June 1st 2022. Please check the link to see the film and learn more about Noor’s story.
I played drums on eight songs of the beautiful new Helado Negro record (((( F A R I N )))) Do give a listen if you haven’t already.
The Touch of Longing is Everywhere.
I created the sounds to accompany these drawings by Nene Humphrey. We began our project in the spring of 2020.
We created a project together that could be shared with others during this time of unrest and uncertainty defining our collective experience. In total there were 8 videos we made together while quarantined miles apart. Our process was straightforward: we would only use tools we had on hand and make work referencing shared themes: memory,loss,time and dreams. The title is from a poem by Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai
These pieces were created using a Zoom field recorder, the Teenage Engineering OP1 and Ableton Live. The piano was recorded in a NYC home where I have been going to wash clothes during the pandemic. During the creation of these pieces my wife’s mother suddenly passed and we made our way to her home in rural Arkansas. I recorded everything that caught my ear in and around that space. I manipulated those recordings and played around them with various sound objects and instruments that were her mothers”.
foley / film work
Personal music works
I am a drummer and sometimes singer w other folks
Some future, present, and past musical projects have included.
The Atomic Bomb Band
Helado Negro
DL is OK
The Love Story
iphone the road video